Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reading to babies

What is the point in reading to babies? They can't understand what you're saying. They don't follow along with the story. They frequently get distracted and look away. Sometimes they don't even look at the book at all.
The truth is that there are a lot of great reasons to begin reading to babies from the time they are born. Here are just a few that I could think of.

* It is a lovely bonding experience. Cuddle up nice and close and make it fun for both of you.

* They learn how to use a book. For example, we usually start at the beginning and read through to the end, we have to turn the pages to find out what happens next, the pictures match what the writing says, and so on.
* They listen to the sound of your voice and this stimulates their little brains and encourages language development.
* It encourages an enjoyment of reading in children.
* Reading to a baby helps develop a good habit of sitting together and reading regularly.

* It means that they will have a better chance of become good readers as they grow up. Children who enjoy reading tend to read more which makes them better readers. Also, studies show that children who are read to regularly by adults become better readers because the adults are modelling the skills of reading to them.

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